星期二, 8月 08, 2006


Price can tell the difference: although this set of figures is also based on the ending of "Final Plus", the quality of it is so-so at best since the whole set, with only either 1 Meer included, cost me $60 while the set of EF figures cost me $138. Higher price usually ensures better quality--if you have to choose between the two, just go for the more expensive one. But I would say Kira looks the best among them~ ^^

Lacus and Kira

Lunamaria and Shinn

Meyrin and Athrun (Poor Athrun...stuck with her again...)

Putting them in pairs: the pose of Kira-Lacus pair is the best; Lunamaria's legs are kinda odd; Athrun, you should put your hand on Cagalli's shoulder instead of Meyrin's!

Just "playing around" with the figures: Kira and Shinn are carrying Meyrin (I'm sorry for them); Lunamaria is patting Athrun's shoulder (I had to lift her arm a bit to do that) and Lacus is resting her hand on his forearm
